Yesterday Sunday 11 July 2021 former President Donald Trump traveled to Dallas, Texas to sell whoppers. No! not the kind you buy at Burger King. He was at the Conservative Action Political Conference to sell whoppers to his sycophants who showed up to feed on an alternative reality. They were treated to an hour and a half feast of what has become Trump’s signature, continuous prevarication, or one lie after another.
Of course, he still touts the big lie, that the election was stolen from him. It wasn’t. He still harps on the massive voter fraud that was used to steal the election. There has been no proof of massive voter fraud. The only cases of voter fraud that I am aware of are a few cases where Republicans tried to vote twice. There are two cases where two African Americans who were still on parole and not eligible to vote might be sent back to prison for five years while the Republican who was trying to vote for his dead mother is expected to get off with a slap on the wrist. But the only thing massive about voter fraud is that it’s a massive lie. Even Republican secretaries of state have said so. He also said that in the future we will have to get rid of the ability to vote by mail.
During his rant, he said that a group of patriots showed up on January 6, the day of the insurrection. He stated that they were holding a rally and asked him to speak. He also said that there was a lot of “Love” in the crowd. Where was the love while they were trying to bash the brains out of the police defending the capital? Another whopper!
Trump stated that he built 500 miles of a beautiful border wall. Another lie! He only built about 80 miles and to hear Trump tell the story that 80 miles completely shut down illegal immigration coming from the southern border with Mexico. You should remember the earlier lie that Trump was going to build a complete wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. In the far recesses of his mind, Trump believes that he actually did completely shut down illegal immigration and now Biden has opened up the whole country to be one big sanctuary city. And to hear Trump tell the story, none of these people are fleeing to avoid a devastating economic or tyrannical political system, they are all members of MS-13 a gang that is coming here to rape innocent women and pillage our country. Lie! ICE records show that 79.6 % of immigrants have no criminal record. He would have you think that there was no crossing of the border while he was president but Joe Biden has opened the border to everyone. Whopper!
Of course, he offered himself adulation for conquering the pandemic. He thinks that because he stole the phrase “WARP SPEED” from the TV series Star Trek, he had something to do with getting a vaccine on hand in an incredibly short time. In fairness, we have to admit that it happened on his watch, but he had almost nothing to do with it. So now we have 600,000 people dead in this country and the fact is that Trump had the opportunity to warn and get the American public ready for it. Instead, he thought it would hurt the stock market on which he was hoping to use for his reelection campaign. Instead, he routinely held large super spreader events refusing to wear a mask and poking fun and ridicule at anyone who did. Later on, he admitted to journalist Bob Woodard that he had always tried to downplay the pandemic. He said it was like getting the flu. He gave crazy assertions that injections of Clorox and shining a light under the skin could kill the virus. Whoppers galore!
There is also the difference between having a vaccine and getting vaccinated. To this day, Trump has done nothing to assist the American public in getting vaccinated. He himself got vaccinated secretly after having COVID and receiving the finest medical care available. Not only has he not stepped up as a leader to demonstrate getting vaccinated, but he has also helped spread the myths and lies that are keeping many from getting vaccinated. A few minutes later his sycophants cheered at the notion that most of them were not vaccinated and never going to be vaccinated.
He could not go the evening without playing the race card. To Trump, America is a shining beacon on a hill and as such can never allow history and culture to reveal any glitches along the way. Republicans don’t have much to display as good policy for the American public, so they always come up with a distraction. Their new distraction is CRITICAL RACE THEORY. This is nothing but a device to divide and use as a wedge issue. CRITICAL RACE THEORY is taught at the university level in some schools but Republicans have local school boards under siege for trying to teach it in the public schools. It’s a lie. They have managed to make the issue of CRT into a dog whistle that they can use for any issue on race. Here, in my county, it created a storm at the last school board meeting. Another Whopper!
Trump also railed against the horrid government action of requiring people to pay taxes. Yes, according to him taxes are bad no matter who pays them or how much. He conveniently forgets to inform us how to pay for any government services if we don’t have any tax revenues. All the while he is helping to shift the tax structure from a progressive tax system to a regressive tax system. It is a conversion that is already accomplished. Wealthy elites at the top have reduced their responsibility to the social network to almost nothing. Recently it was reported that several multibillionaires actually paid nothing. Trump throws out this red-meat issue to his sycophants and they eat it up. Whoppers
Trump, of course, could not do a speech without verbally assaulting anyone who doesn’t agree with him. He referred to us as communists, Marxists, socialists, extreme left-wing lawless agitators who hate America. I was twenty years old when I went on a tour of western Vietnam for my county. So I don’t put much stock in anything that coward, Pvt. Bonespurs has to say on that subject.
So here are some true facts that Trump Toadies don’t want to hear.
Trump started with a roaring economy, and in just four years he; lost five million jobs
Trump added 9 trillion dollars to the deficit.
Trump Lost the majority in the Senate
Trump lost the White House
Trump is responsible for killing more Americans than Hitler
Trump attempted to organize and lead a coup
Trump got himself banned from social media for lying
Trump got impeached twice.
We have to make sure that we keep these hard indisputable facts in current circulation.