I don’t claim to be a genius; far from it. But I have astonished people over the years with my ability to size up people and events, some of whom were trying to disguise their character and honest intentions. I attribute this to a good dose of common sense that I got from my mother, a country girl with loads of it.
It’s not that I have never been wrong; I have, but I can usually size up situations correctly. With that in mind, I see a new day dawning for the North Carolina Democratic Party. We have elected a new set of officers who have immediately set off to make substantial positive changes in the party. We are now taking our message to all the people in North Carolina, including Republicans. No Longer will any county be written off because it is red; Democrats are coming out swinging in all 100 counties across North Carolina.
We will no longer wait for the Republicans to define us and then try to react to their lies. But what is essential to understand is that Democrats have policies that make life better for working families. Democrats want to rebuild our education system, not tear it down so it can be privatized. Democrats want to ensure everyone can vote and not support voter impression policies for political expediency. Democrats want civil rights for all our citizens without war on people of color and LGBTQ and transgender citizens. Democrats want a fair tax system where the financial elites pay their fair share. The Democratic message reverberates across North Carolina and is supported by a majority of citizens.
Republicans, on the other hand, are now behind the eight ball and are playing “wack a doodle” for one disastrous event after another—Donald Trump, aka Pvt. Bonespurs has finally been indicted in Manhattan and is going to trial soon. Pvt. Bonespurs is also being charged in a civil suit for rape and he has not been able to squeeze out of it. And other investigations in Georgia and by the Justice Department are ongoing. The wheels of justice are slow sometimes, but they are nearing a conclusion for Pvt. Bonespurs and he is not happy about it.
Meanwhile, three conservative US Supreme Court justice are under a cloud of ethics violations. Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginny are under the microscope because Ginny was a willing participant in the January 6 insurrection, while Clarence has been taking lavish gifts from a billionaire with cases before the court. Justice Neil Gorsuch is under fire for accepting a speaking engagement at the Federalist Society, a blatantly conservative political group, and also for accepting gifts from another billionaire with cases before the court. Finally, Justice Kavanaugh has been involved in substantial land deals with a billionaire who has cases before the court. A number of prominent people have asked Chief Justice John Roberts to intervene and establish a set of ethics rules. I think it’s time for the US Senate to hand down some ethics rules for the member of the high court. All the other courts in this country have rules and the supreme court has proven that they need them too.
Finally, Republicans have no policies that uplift the American public. They are using their tired of way of finding “boogie man” issues to divide American citizens. Instead of finding ways to get the American Public galvanized into one cohesive group that can uplift everyone, they are interested in division, separation, and lies in order to hold onto power. Ultimately, it will not work. The Truth will shine through.
The Democrats have the chance to do some open-field running by shining a light that contains hope, love, empathy, and compassion for all of our citizens and not protecting the wealth and power of a few.
Herb Harton