On the possibility of bipartisanship

Who said:

“Nothing has contributed more to the systematic mass incarceration of people of color in the United States than the war on drugs.”

Who said:

“Can any policy, however high-minded, be moral if it leads to widespread corruption, imprisons so many, has so racist an effect, destroys our inner cities, wreaks havoc on misguided and vulnerable individuals and brings death and destruction to foreign countries.”

Okay, the first one is easy – it’s Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow. But the second quote might surprise you; it’s from Milton Friedman, the guru of conservative economics and neoliberalism.

Now, why am I posting this. Everyone knows that a large majority of Americans favor some decriminalization of drug use. So, here’s my proposal to Manchin and Sinema: if you truly want some bipartisan legislation, forget trying to get it on voting rights or the infrastructure plan (the Republicans will never support either) and propose bipartisan legislation on decriminalization of drug use. Then you can have your bipartisanship and follow it up with cramming voting rights and infrastructure down their throats.

It’s long past time to stop playing games and get serious about the changes we, the people, need and want.

George Vlasits

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