About Us

We Can Make History Together

The Labor Caucus of the North Carolina Democratic Party is a state auxiliary organization focused on values, policies and legislation that promotes the rights of working people.




Any Democrat registered to vote in North Carolina may become a member of the Caucus. Full members who have signed up and paid a $12 annual dues are voting members. Non-paying associate members may participate but not vote.

Our Mission

Building the Caucus and supporting the movement

Our Mission

The caucus seeks to have a representative on each Congressional District Executive Committee and organized chapters in each of the 100 counties including a representative on each County Executive Committee. Anyone interested in organizing a county committee or serving should contact the President of the caucus.


Support the cause


Support the cause

Our Purpose

The Labor Caucus believe that workers rights equate to human rights.
The caucus believes that every resident of North Carolina should have the opportunity to have a job that pays livable wages and benefits. In addition, the caucus supports cooperation between employers and employees to assure productivity through fair and adequate employee compensation, benefits and safe, harmonious, and healthy working conditions.
To represent the political interests and views of organized labor, unorganized labor, and the working people within the North Carolina Democratic Party.
To promote the agenda of the North Carolina Democratic Party on labor issues as defined by its platform, resolutions and legislative agenda.
Work to elect a Democrat to the office of Labor Commissioner.
Provide opportunities for supporters of Labor rights to seek political appointments or elected office.
Provide networking and meeting opportunities for Democrats who support the full range of Labor rights.
Serve as a forum to inform, recognize and counter any assault on collective bargaining or organizing rights or general trade union principles and practices in North Carolina.


The executive Committee is composed of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer plus Chairs of standing committees and representatives from the three sectors of Organized labor: construction, the private sector and the public sector.

2023 – 2025 Caucus Officers

President  Drew Edwards,CWA  drewwa3611@gmail.com

Vice President  Hon. Randolph Voller  NClaborcaucus@gmail.com

Secretary  Jan Nichols, NOLSW  Secretary@ncdplaborcaucus.org

Treasurer  Virginia Penley  Treasurer@ncdplaborcaucus.org

Public Sector Rep.  Williams Dworkin, AFSCME (retired) NC Alliance for Retired Americans  williamdwrkn@gmail.com

Construction Rep.  – Open

Private Sector Rep  Grant Welch, CWA gwelchcwa@gmail.com

Membership  Tim Greene, NALC  Membership@ncpdlaborcaucus.org

Finance/Fundraising   Herb Harton, IATSE  maguspics@aol.com

General Counsel  Ed Abelard

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